How to play mid dota 2? Essentials

Don’t know how to play mid dota 2? Playing on the center line is one of the keys to victory. Exactly mider sets the tone of the match. Since you are standing one on one with your opponent on the line, you will always have the highest level in the team, which will help you increase your fighting ability. But to do this as effectively as possible, you need to make the right decisions. Starting from the stage of character selection and the initial purchase, ending with a coordinated team game.

The whole game can be divided into 3 main stages, such as Early-game, Middle-game, and Late-game and now we will try to disassemble each of them.

How to play mid dota 2? The beginning or early-game

How to play mid dota 2 in early-game? After choosing a hero, the vital point is start items, which depend on your opponent. If you are faced with a hero who harasses you using spells, such as Skywrath Mage, or Zeus, you should buy Magic Wand, which will help you to restore some health and mana. Also, a pack of tango and healing salve will not be a mistake. If the line stage passes without any aggression, it is better to buy subjects on damage which will help to kill creeps more confidently.

After the creeps come out, block them using your hero model. This will help move the enemy creeps closer to your tower and thus the enemy will miss the hits from low ground. But the main thing is not to overblock it so that your tower does not start attacking them! The first earned money is worth buying a Bottle, which will help restore both Health and Mana points. You will always be able to renew its charges with runes or fountain essence.

The main objection on the line for you is creeping and raising the level. If it is possible try to kill your opponent. Domination over an enemy will help you feel more confident. Once you get to level 6, you can look at what is going on on the other lines. If you see an opportunity to help your mates in pushing or killing the enemy, do it. That will be a great boost for the whole team. But if you are not sure about this, do not waste your time, but rather continue your farm, use the forest for this purpose and knock out some neutral items.
The lining stage usually ends nearly at 15-17 minutes.

Dota 2 How to play mid? Mid-game 

Dota 2 how to play mid during midgame. At this stage, your aim is to form the most convenient conditions for your carry. Destroy towers together with the team. Usually, at this stage, you receive main items such as Blink Dagger, BKB, and Aghanim Scepter. After a winning fight, when the opponents are dead, kill Roshan. The middle stage of the game ends approximately in 30 minutes, after which comes the most important stage.

How to play mid dota? The final stage, late-game

How to play mid-lane dota 2 in a late-game? The most vital part of the game. The stage when every mistake can cost you victory. Here you need to play as carefully as possible, it is extremely important to complete your build with the right items, such as Divine Rapier, which will considerably increase your damage. Buy items for survivability, such as Linken’s Sphere, Shiva’s Guard, and Assault Cuirass.

With clear team communication, dominating, and the acquired leading in gold and experience, you will undoubtedly succeed.

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